Rating System

Because “stars” have been overrated and overused, and “thumbs” are just black and white (and trademarked), I decided to take a different route, a more entertaining route really to the rating system.  Each rating is given a movie quote that represents as closely as possible what I feel is a scale from “Skip it” to “Highly Recommend”, this would be the easier and less confusing way to rate all movies on the same scale.

“What is ‘real’?  How do you define ‘real’?” – Highly Recommend

01 HR

Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus in “The Matrix”

“You’re my boy, Blue!” – Recommend

02 RC

Will Ferrel as Frank Ricard in “Old School”

“I’m not perfect, but who are we kidding, neither are you.” – Average

03 AV

Vince Vaughn as Jeremy Grey in “The Wedding Crasher”

“And I thought my jokes were bad.” – Below Average

04 BA

Heath Ledger as The Joker in “The Dark Knight”

“Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein!” – Skip it

05 SK

Martin Wuttke as Adolph Hitler in “Inglorious Bastards”

Remember, because of the five step progression rating system we employ there is a chance that you may see a slapstick comedy get the same or higher rating as a serious, well done period piece.  This is not to say the comedy was a better movie overall but how it appealed to us at that moment of viewing.  All the more reason for you to share your feedback with anything we write and have a voice in this site.

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